The Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry published three top battery experts in the United States predicting the development prospects of lithium batteries

On May 31, the seventh issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2012 published three top battery experts in the United States, Michael M. Thackeray (Sr. Scientist, Department of Electrochemical Energy Storage, Argonne National Laboratory), Christopher Wolverton (Northwestern University Materials (Professor of the Department of Science) and Eric Isaacs (Director of Argonne National Laboratory, Nanomaterials Expert and Physicist) jointly published an article entitled "Electrical energy storage for transportation—approaching the limits of, and going beyond, lithium-ion batteries" The paper elaborated on the development history of chemical energy storage batteries and predicted the development prospects of lithium batteries.

The author wrote in the conclusion of the paper: The widespread use of energy storage systems required for electric vehicles and smart networks still requires breakthrough innovations in the fields of materials and chemistry, rather than small steps of progress. It is achievable to increase the energy density of lithium-ion batteries by 2-3 times, and it is also possible to increase the energy density of lithium-oxygen batteries by 5 times or more. The key is to develop electrode materials with excellent performance, which are charged and discharged many times. In order to withstand large changes in volume and structure and have multiple functions at the same time, for example, when the oxygen cathode is reduced to lithium oxide (Li2O) during discharge, a catalyst should be provided to effectively interrupt lithium oxygen during charging Li-O bonds. In addition, the stable, non-volatile, non-liquid electrolyte of the battery system, the electrochemical characteristics of stable operation at a wide voltage range, and the safety and price are great challenges for scientists.

It is reported that the thesis has been carefully read and thought by many experts and scholars.

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