Food Packaging Design Analysis

Food packaging design Analysis of visual culture of food packaging design, what is visual culture, how to carry out food packaging design Analysis of food packaging design Visual culture of food packaging design, what is visual culture, how to carry out food packaging design

Commodity sales packaging gradually developed into a POP package (focus advertisement) integrating protection, introduction and advertising with the needs of market competition, and shouldered the modern mission of “silent salesman”. In addition to satisfying basic functions such as protecting food and storing food, food packaging must be beautiful and have a certain cultural connotation in order to attract consumers and achieve better economic benefits. The visual culture embedded in food packaging is an important factor that designers must consider. It can even have a decisive influence on consumers' shopping.

1. The meaning of visual culture

Before the mid-1960s, the meaning of the term "culture" was only related to the ability to express words and language. In layman's terms, it refers to a person's ability to "read" and "write". Later, with the development of the times, the situation has gradually changed. Another kind of different meaning, new cultures associated with visual images such as graphics and pictures have begun to be accepted by people. This is “Visual Literacy”. . The so-called visual culture, its basic meaning lies in the visual factors, or that the image or image occupies the dominant position of our culture. Films, television, advertising, photography, image design, visual performances of sports, illustrations of prints, etc. We can cite countless examples to prove that a new cultural form has emerged. Some people picture it as "reading pictures." era". In this era, images overwhelm the text and become the "main factor" of a culture. The popularity of "Figures" indicates that the text may have become a footnote of the image.

Young people's writing ability is declining, image worship and carnival become a new generation of cultural paradigms, and college students are keen to cartoon books. The image became the most affluent resource of daily life in this era and became a symbolic situation that people could not escape and became a ritual of our culture. Visual culture spans a wide range of disciplines including philosophy, aesthetics, literary studies, sociology, psychology, semiotics, communications, and information technology. The study of visual culture itself has an interdisciplinary nature.

2. The significance of visual culture

With the development of science, culture and technology, with the rapid development and increase of various visual media, visual information, and audiovisual devices in the external world where people live, people need to deal with various kinds of information. "Visual culture" has become an indispensable content of human life and learning. At present, the explosive impact of visual information and the emergence of a large number of visual media have propelled “visual culture” toward becoming “theoretical guidance” and “evaluation standards”. The development of "visual culture" has reached the stage of transition from "growth stage" to "mature stage". In today's society, the importance of "visual culture" is increasingly being recognized and valued by people.

Individual visual literacy is a "acquisition of the ability to process visual information." This capability includes both the accurate understanding of visual information and the accurate creation and use of visual images. In the culture of writing, it is necessary to have a process of learning and pondering from literacy and sentence creation to comfortable expression of ideas. Similarly, the ability to express ideas using lines, graphic elements, animations, and videos also requires learning, practice, and exercise. If two people have the same filming equipment, the same editing software and the same shooting environment, because of the difference in visual and cultural level, they use these tools and materials to express the effect of their thoughts, may be a world of difference, just like a person who can write. The difference with a successful writer is like that.

In the new century, with the further popularization of computer networks in Chinese families, visual culture represented by the integration of computers and television will further infiltrate into people's daily lives. An unprecedented era of visual culture may truly come...

Visual culture is a "culture" based on visual information. It is rooted in visual information and visual information. Visual information can be roughly divided into the following categories of physical objects, images, graphics, charts, text, and animation. Each type has its own essential characteristics, and it also has different sensing characteristics when applied to food packaging design. Since visual information such as animation is mainly used in television and online advertising, it is rarely used in food packaging, so this article will be omitted. Here is a brief analysis of the remaining major types of perceptual features:

Physical presentation is the most trustworthy for consumers because everyone believes in their own eyes. This includes two situations. One is to allow consumers to directly observe the food itself. For example, plastics, films, and not-so-strong glass are all prosperous because of good visibility; on the other hand, they also include materials for food packaging. , modeling and so on.

Traditional packaging of traditional products in China often uses nature's original materials and recycled materials to package products. China's wine culture has a long history. People use jars to hold wine, sealed with straw paper and stamped with seals to form the earliest packaging form of wine. It is rich in folk features, full of strong local flavor. Such as the award-winning work in the country's outstanding packaging and decorating competition, Hubei's Xiaoma sesame oil has given full play to the advantages of local Yichang painted pottery. Another example is Sichuan spicy mold tofu, which is sealed with metal cans (seal, vacuum, anti-corrosion, anti-spill) in the inner packaging; traditional materials such as linen, paper and rope are used for outer packaging, giving people a long history.

3. Insight into the visual culture embedded in food packaging design

The culture of food packaging can also be fully displayed in the packaging shape, the shape of modern packaging can be said to be ever-changing, food packaging should be more prominent in the personality of the model, the designer can only convert the model into a proper visual element in order to bring consumers Rich visual experience.

4. Insight into the visual culture contained in the color matching of food packaging

Color is the first visual effect of packaging vision. Color can serve as a theme to attract customers' visual attention. The cultural nature of food packaging can be reflected in the color, for example, in the color of the packaging because of different cultural background reflected in the packaging are different. The use of color can only be based on the characteristics of food, design needs to show the characteristics of food, while taking into account the consumer's appreciation habits. Reasonable and appropriate use of color can lead to consumers' initial desire to purchase food. For example, the owner of a butcher shop in Japan applied color theory to brush the walls of the store to a green-green color. In contrast to the pink-green color, the color of the meat became extraordinarily fresh, attracting more and more customers. The business is particularly booming.

5. Insight into the visual culture embedded in food packaging graphics

The graphics include patterns, paintings, and photography. The graphics are magnifiers with product features. The graphics can also be used to describe the function of the product metaphorically, symbolically, and associatively. For example, using pine trees to express old people's tonic can prolong life and so on. Impressed consumers.

The traditional ornamentation is widely used in modern packaging. Whether it is used as a shading, a main motif, or a border or corner ornament, it can bring a quaint, fresh breath and a strong sense of decoration. The specialty of Jiangxi Province, using the famous Tengwang Pavilion of Jiangxi as a basic figure, at a glance, it is a product with Jiangxi characteristics. Another example is the packaging of pure rice wine. The use of ancient posters as illustrations shows the brewing history of rice wine, so that the entire packaging is fused into a cultural atmosphere.

Words are the most memorable elements in the packaging of goods. The words on the package include a variety of information to be conveyed to consumers, including the brand name, production date, shelf life, product features, functions, and usage methods. Therefore, we must pay attention to the rationality and legibility of the arrangement. Food packaging should have descriptive text, objectively and concisely introduce the name, specifications, ingredients, functions, and methods of use of the food, and try to be focused and clear at a glance. Indicative logos, such as “fried” instant noodles, indicate that the product’s basic characteristics of the interpretive logo, such as “absolutely no preservatives”, can eliminate consumer concerns about food, beverage, and chemical ingredients And agitation logos, such as "great taste!", can directly stimulate the desire to buy. Clever use of logos can generate powerful visual impact and become the crowning touch to sales promotion. The Artists Forum 5j-UM%Z* font itself is an artistic image with the characteristics of beauty and emotion. In the design can not only meet the text of the legibility and readability, but also should fully mobilize the artistic connotation of the text of the connotation of the use of decorative text in the form of packaging art. Looking at the packaging screen, the use of hieroglyphs, Chinese calligraphy, seals, and typographical prints not only shows the style of oriental art but also emphasizes the artistic conception of the picture and the inner thoughts and feelings. For example, the ancient hieroglyphs are a highly generalized picture, giving people an ancient and simple sense of beauty. Such as the "Chinese Dragon Wine" packaging design, it highlights the "dragon" character of the Chinese nation's specific totem image.

Food packaging has gone deep into all aspects of society as an important part of modern packaging systems. Food packaging without visual culture, although gorgeous and extravagant, but it will be like a woman dressed like a flirtatious, cheesy appearance, impatiently scrutiny. The successful design of packaging combines artistic, intellectual, interesting and contemporary feelings. The appearance quality of high-end foods can stimulate the social needs of buyers, enabling them to feel more comfortable while enjoying food.

The cultural connotation is the vitality of food packaging design. The modern Chinese design industry with comparatively lagging development needs cultural nourishment. With the help of our own traditional cultural advantages, we can absorb the fine Western culture and make our country's food packaging design show a brand-new in the 21st century. Look. China's industrial design should be rooted in the soil of Chinese culture, draw on the essence of Western science and technology and culture, and take a design path with Chinese characteristics. We expect this beautiful wish to be realized in the near future.

The “Shanghai Lao Liquor” produced by Shanghai was changed and the Shikumen pattern, which is rich in Shanghai's cultural characteristics, was used as the packaging design. The brand-name boxed chocolate from Shanghai produced different Shanghai attractions on each piece and became popular. Travel goods.

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